Monday, July 13, 2015

Go Tu. (mis-place'da period)

"Go tu the Walmart" the invisible female voice said.

'Go tu Burger King" I thought.

It is a shame that this voice that sounds 'high-and-mighty' is invisible.
My inner voice sounds cra-sah...go tu the Burger King I think.
I think...a hoard of lesbian supporters dragging their foster care kids in the backseats of their automobiles can flock like lesbian geese around Burger King.
They seem tu exist tu eat broil'da beef with American cheese in America.
They do not have tu leave America...or find Canada, the American government protects these lesbian foster-care parents better than they protected me when I was a student, paying my rent, loosing funds from my pay... tu a 'collective' call'da taxes.
Go tu the burger King, eat pink cotton candy.
The white-sounding female always sounds like a she better being irritating and invisible?
Like a Advertiser sending a hoard of hungry white people somewhere...
Go tu Burger King
Go tu Burger King
White people act like they don't want tu be responsible for their kin...they don't control their family-members...they float like invisible ice cream sundaes...go tu Walmart.

Go tu Burger the other lesbian followers who drive tu the drive thru window tu order another burger for their foster kids, awarded tu them by a state happy tu grant their wish tu  marry each other, and receive monetary support from the state government which supports two lesbian females' "right" tu 'raise' another couple's child.

WHITE People act stupid.
The American government protects their freedom.

I was not given support to STOP invisible female voices from irritating me.

Go Tu Hell...then find uor-self, the center of your reasons.

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